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Animal Career Direction


Statistics show that Ant people often succeed at these careers. However, with enough interest and determination you could probably succeed at almost anything.

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Statistics show that Bee people often succeed at these careers. However, with enough interest and determination you could probably succeed at almost anything.

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Statistics show that Eagle people often succeed at these careers. However, with enough interest and determination you could probably succeed at almost anything.

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Statistics show that Honeyguide people often succeed at these careers. However, with enough interest and determination you could probably succeed at almost anything.

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CAUTION There are exceptions, but most Ant people may not be comfortable in the following careers:  Performing Arts  Communication/Journalism  Psychology

CAUTION There are exceptions, but most Honeyguide people may not be comfortable in the following careers:  Administration  Accounting/Financial Management  Manufacturing  Construction/Surveying

REMEMBER Honeyguide people will not be happy if they do not believe in what they are doing.