Page 36 - CAO HandBook 2014

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Offers of places may be withdrawn if the conditions are not met or if
institutions discover that you have provided false information in your
application for admission.
If you are applying to an institution at which you have previously
studied, or are currently studying at, please contact them first. In
most cases they will want you to apply directly to them, because
your student number is valid for life.
Things to watch out for when filling in the application form
use a photocopy of the application form. Each form contains a
unique CAO number.
send us more than one application form, or complete more than
one online application, for the same entry year. Only the first one we
receive will be processed.
If you wish to make changes later in the year (eg. changes to contact
info, programme choices, etc.) – email, fax or post ONLY the changes to
us, DO NOT complete a new application form.
How to complete your application form
Give us an address
where there are
postal deliveries.
Give us an alternative address in case post
is returned to the CAO. If you are moving
we need to know your new address and
the date we can start using this address.
Making your application
Next of kin details. Give us the details of one of your parents or
a legal guardian (not your school educator/teacher or principal);
the institution will contact this person in the case of an
emergency once you are a student.